Author: Aurimar Nogueira Views: 34
Publication date: 30.11.2023 Date of change: 30.11.2023

Privacy Policy

Basic provisions

Our core principles are to ensure your privacy and the security of your data. We adhere to high standards of information handling and do everything possible to protect your interests.

We pay special attention to the collection and use of information. This includes information you provide to us either personally
or automatically through the use of cookies. We are committed to providing transparency in the use of your data and giving you control over this process.

Collection and use of information

We may collect information, including personal data, to improve our services. This may include your preferences, specifications and data about your interactions with our site. We use this information to personalize services, analyze statistics, and provide more effective interactions.

Information disclosure

In some cases, we may disclose your information to third parties to comply with the law or to maintain the security of our services. We guarantee that your data will only be shared in strict accordance with our privacy policy.

Data Security

We take serious measures to ensure the security of your data. This includes the use of technical, organizational and legal means to protect information from unauthorized access, use and disclosure.

Data storage and processing

We only store your data to the extent necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in our privacy policy. Data processing processes are carried out in compliance with legislation and established standards.

Basic rights and obligations of personal data subjects

As a data subject, you have certain rights, such as access to your information and the ability to correct it. You are also responsible for providing accurate and current information in accordance with the terms of our privacy policy.


Cookies are used to optimize your experience on the site. Technical cookies do not require your consent, but we do ask permission to place statistical cookies. You can manage cookies through your browser settings.

Enabling/disabling and deleting cookies

You have full control over cookies through your browser settings. You can enable, disable or delete cookies according to your preferences. Please note that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of our site.

Changes to the privacy policy

Any changes to our privacy policy will be posted on the website. Changes take effect upon publication. We recommend checking our privacy policy regularly for updates.

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